Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013



Demikianlah bunyi Mars Maju Bersama Mencerdaskan Indonesia. Mendengar mars ini sungguh membangkitkan semangat mendidik, bersemangat lagi untuk mewujudkan cita-cita kemerdekaan Indonesia. Untuk dapat mewujudkan generasi emas Indonesia, bersama-sama memicu bangsa kita agar dapat memasuki pintu gerbang kemerdekan yang sebenarnya.

Salam mendidik
Guru SM3T SMP N Detukeli Ende

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

My Superficial Understanding of Curriculum 2013

I have just read the material of Curriculum 2013 delivered by The Minister of Education on Mei 4th 2013 at Semarang State University. He delivered this material in order to socialize the new curriculum of 2013 to the ground. Although, I couldn’t have the chance to join this enlightening (I can say that cuz actually I don’t have any sufficient comprehension in this issue) occasion, this power point material helps me to understand the concept of the new curriculum even better. It can be accessed freely at . Let’s download it.........

            In this brief article, I would like to share my superficial understanding of what I’ve just swallowed. 

The material begins with the surprising facts that recently, Indonesia’s economic has enormous promise. However, its impressive economic performance is not widely understood. It provides also Indonesian vision for the next upcoming 2030 in terms of economic growth, and the expectation of future social economic condition of Indonesia.  Of course, there are many things to do to make these come true. And the key is Education.

I don’t really understand about PISA, GCI, or IPM and the graphics presented in the material. However, I do suggest you to read these points since they portray Indonesian education compared with some countries in this world. It will open our eyes widely, that our education is still far from the international standard. The chart of education equity and performance is quite interesting for me. It shows that equity education nowadays improved 7% and the performance improved 30%. 

Jump to the core material, about the essence of Curriculum 2013 itself, the material gives some points of public issues regarding to the launch of this controversial curriculum. I do appreciate the willingness of the minister to show this. It proves that he actually cares and hears the voice of public. On the other hand, sorry to say that I am also disappointed for not finding the argumentation of the planned policy, such as the integration of TIK to all subjects, and the decreasing of English study hours for Senior High School Level from 4 hours to 2 hours only. 

Frankly, I can understand the rationale of integrating TIK to all subjects. It will trigger both students and teachers to be able to use IT as the way to be involved in globalization era. It will make teaching learning process easier and fun. However, does the minister also realize that not all school in the whole part of Indonesia have the sufficient access to implement that?. Due to the fact that the improvement of equity education is only 7%, will it work well in the school of many rural parts of Indonesia? Although Indonesian Education System has already provided 8 standards of education, do they work well in real? Have they been implemented thoroughly in every part of Indonesia so that every school has the same minimum standard? If I may answer, it is No. 

It is based on my own experience in teaching in a rural Junior High School in NTT province. My school doesn’t have electricity access from PLN. We only depend on generator and the availability of fuel which is higher than the common price. Therefore, we don’t have any sufficient IT devices. In addition, the social life of the students does not provide any access to the use of electricity and even IT. So, how would they get involved to be able to follow the demand of integrating IT to all subjects? TIK subject is the only gate for them to know and to learn about IT. Though in minimal practice, at least it helps students so much. They learn how to use computer, some IT devices such as printer, modem, and flash disk in TIK class. I could not imagine how my students can get the access to learn that things if TIK subject had been omitted. Furthermore, not all teachers in rural area have good skill in using IT for their teaching learning process. Therefore, how can they develop their selves to be ready to answer the demand of globalization?

One of the public questions is, why should English subject be reduced from 4 hours to 2 hours only? Is it one of the policies to prepare students to be able to live in globalization era? How come? How could it work?

These questions always come to my mind every time I review about the new curriculum. I do not have any satisfying rationale and argument to agree with this issue. The reduction of English learning hours is out of the track in preparing students to be ready for globalization, regarding the importance of mastering English is one of the ways to go there. In addition, English is not first language or the second in Indonesia. The position of English is absolutely foreign language. Therefore, mastering it is not easy. It needs effort and time. Reducing the duration means, postponing the success of mastering English. 

In term of the core values and some improvement of curriculum 2013, I do believe that the existing curriculum has already involved them. This new curriculum, in difference is, promoting elaboration and reminding to emphasis the implementation. Both KTSP and Curriculum 2013 emphasis character building education and moral values. I actually have not read the draft of the content standard yet, including the SK and KD. Therefore, I could not say much more about this term. One thing that we should realize is that however the curriculum will be, education is not merely about transferring knowledge but also the effort of internalizing moral values to the students. Therefore, character building education should be implemented in every way of educating.

The other change in Curriculum 2013 is in the teaching of natural science and social science which is totally different with KTSP. The new curriculum promotes the united and integrated teaching of these disciplines. As a consequence, a teacher of social science should be able to conduct the teaching of history, economic, along with geographic as the core subject. In natural science, a teacher should be able to convey chemistry, physic, along with biology as the core subject. It seems interesting since students will be drawn to connect one subject to the other in the same time. But of course, this new policy needs a very well equipped preparation. And the basic is preparing the teachers. 

Actually, there are some points I want to note. Maybe after I have time to review it back. In conclusion, I would like to say; no matter the curriculum will be, as a teacher we should do our best to educate our students and our young generation to be better Indonesia. At last, let’s put into our mind that education is not merely about transferring knowledge but also the effort of internalizing moral values to the students. For better Indonesia.......

Detukeli, Mei 15th 2013 0:18
J Nia Martiana J

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Menjadi Seorang Guru, (sebuah catatan perjalan singkat)

^Old people said, Experience is the best teacher ^
Yet, Everybody is a teacher......

Pernahkah terbelesit keinginanmu untuk menjadi seorang guru? Pernahkah dalam ingatan masa kecil mu terbelesit cita-cita menjadi seorang guru? Apakah sekarang kamu adalah seorang guru?

Dalu ketika aku masih di bangku SD, sama sekali tidak terbelesit cita-cita untuk menjadi seorang guru. Angan-anganku jauh membumbung tinggi untuk menjadi seorang astronout waktu itu, dan seorang ilmuwan, bahkan menjadi seorang perampok. Betapa imajinasi masa kecil sungguh tak terbatas dinding-dinding realitas yang kemudian membenturkan aku hingga terjerembab ke dunia perguruan. Oh, betapa tidak....

Seiring bertambahnya usiaku, dinding realitas membentur ketika aku sangat berminat belajar tentang jagad raya dan isinya namun tidak diimbangi dengan kemampuan dalam hal kalkulasi angka-angka imajiner yang bagiku itu sungguh melelahkan. Akhirnya, impian menjadi astronout berlalu begitu saja, seakan tenggelam bersama ribuan bintang di angkasa sana.

Kemudian ketika seorang guru bertanya, apa cita-citaku? Sontak aku mulai bingung, mengingat sangat tidak realistis jika aku menjawab, aku ingin jadi asrtonout.
Pikiranku mulai terbuka ketika aku dan Bapak sama-sama menyukai suatu iklan media cetak (red: Kompas). Iklan ini mengisahkan tentang seorang jurnalis perempuan muda yang rela mengajar di suatu tempat terpencil di Sumatera. Dia, menjadi guru bagi generasi muda suku Anak Dalam, di daerah Jambi. Puisi yang dia bacakan sungguh menginspirasi. Salah satu kutipan yang selalu aku ingat, dari Bapak dan iklan itu adalah, ” bahwa hidup haruslah bermanfaat, bagiku, bagimu.....” Semenjak saat itu, aku bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang guru. Menjadi seorang pendidik.

Suatu hari, Bapak memberikanku sebuah kompas dan berpesan, agar aku tak jadi katak dalam tempurung. Indonesia adalah negeri yang luas, apalagi dunia. Maka menjelajahlah. Dan lagi-lagi, sosok Bapaklah yang menginspirasiku untuk memantabkan niat menjadi pendidik di pedalaman, mengikuti program SM3T (Sarjana Mendidik di daerah Terdepan, Terluar dan Tertinggal).
Perjalananku untuk mewujudkan cita-cita ini penuh tantangan dan kegagalan. Pertama kali mendaftar aku gagal. Mungkin karena waktu itu Ibuku tidak merestui. Ah,,, andai saja Bapak belum ke surga, pasti beliau akan sangat mendukung. Aku yakin itu. Sedih rasanya, ketika tekadku sudah bulat namun harus mengalami kegagalan yang menyedihkan. Aku tidak lolos di seleksi tertulis, dan hanya akulah yang tidak lolos dari sekian banyak teman sejurusanku. Walaupun begitu, aku tidak menyerah. Diam-diam aku belajar dan berdo’a.

Maka tahun berikutnya, ketika program SM3T angkatan II dibuka, aku tetap memutuskan untuk mendaftar. Kali ini tidak boleh gagal. Aku meminta restu ibuku dan semua keluargaku. Aku minta do’a mereka agar usahaku mewujudkan cita-citaku berjalan lancar. Sayang sekali, aku membuat kesalahan fatal. Tepat dihari terahir pendaftaran, koneksi internet error. Aku telat mengumpulkan persyaratan. Aku gagal untuk kedua kalinya.

Namun tidak hanya sampai disitu. Aku terus berdo’a agar aku bisa mendapatkan kesempatan itu. Dan, puji Tuhan, do’aku terjawab... akhirnya, aku baca pengumuman pendaftaran SM3T 2012 gelombang ke-2. Senang sekali rasanya.... hari itu juga, aku langsung melengkapi administrasi pendaftaran. Seleksi administrasi dengan mulusnya terlewati, begitu pula serangkaian seleksi yang mengikuti.

Singkat cerita, sekarang aku di sini. Menjadi seorang guru. Menjadi seorang pendidik di sebuah sekolah di daerah yang bisa dikatakan tertinggal. Di Kecamatan Detukeli, Kab. Ende. Aku mengajar di SMP N Detukeli sebagai guru Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Bangga dan terharu rasanya... walaupun kini aku hidup di desa tanpa listrik PLN, akses air sulit, namun justru itulah tantangannya. Dan aku menikmati semua ini dengan penuh syukur...

Hari ini, baru pertama kalinya aku merayakan hari Pendidikan Nasional dengan penuh rasa haru dan bangga. Justru di daerah ini. Daerah dimana untuk mengikuti upacara Hardiknas harus rela berjalan kaki hingga 9 km. Pagi ini, bendera Merah Putih berkibar gagah di tiang bambu, bercumbu dengan langit biru. Pagi ini, aku mendengar tangis guru-guru honorer, haru dan pilu. Pagi ini, kami para guru di Kec. Detukeli saling berjabat tangan mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL. Dan, bersama hembusan angin aku ucapkan SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN, BAPAK.... Sumber Inspirasiku, Pahlawanku.....

Menyalakan lilin basah mungkin agak sulit, namun ketekunan untuk terus menyalakan api lama-lama akan membuat sumbunya kering, untuk semakin mudah dinyalakan....

Detukeli, 02 Mei 2013

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Weta Ata Watuneso

Sekedar oleh-oleh buat temen-temen, sebuah lagu dari Lio Ende, judulnya Weta Ata Watuneso. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang seorang pemuda yang cinta banget sama seorang cewek, sampai-sampai rela meninggalkan sekolahnya di rantau (jangan ditiru ya Soulers.... ). Ceritanya nih, dia galau karena orang tuanya nggak setuju sama hubungannya dengan gadis Watuneso, Kab. Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Tapi dia berpikir bahwa mereka berdua nih udah nggak bisa lagi di pisahin....... yah,,, begitulah silahkan dinikmatiiiiiiiiiiii
Weta Ata Watuneso
Jodoku gha pere bowa talo
Haro ate ku welu talo
Ate aku gha haro
D                                 G         D
No’o  weta ata Watuneso   ooooooo
Ine ema na’u talo dowa
Jodo kami nebu skola taka
D                                 G
Weta kita rua raka jadi dema
G                              C
Aku mbana leka beu bema
Skola taka aku welu lewa
Ate haro dau ba’e wola
        C       D                      G
Piki bhale menga tebo kau weta
G                         C
Ine ame miu roti rembe
Kami rua iwa dowa ngange
Ele ke ine ate ghare re’e
            C      D                                    G
Jodoku gha menga weta ana Wanes
C             G   D                   G
Jodo kita rua ma’e tau beta lewa
C                  G
Ele ine bani wora
D                           G
Kita rua dau raka mata